You can also sign-up for the e-mail blast with Charlene at the Front Desk
9:30 am: Group Exercise Class
Stretching, Strength & Cardio exercises (sitting and standing options) in the Activity Room. All abilities welcome to participate.
9:30 am: Group Water Aerobics
Water aerobics is a form of aerobic exercise and strength training in the pool. Great for the joints!
3:45 pm: Water Walking
Water aerobics is a form of aerobic exercise and strength training in the pool. Great for the joints!
8:30 am: Chair Yoga Class
Incorporates all of the benefits of yoga- Stretching, strengthening, improved flexibility, and relaxation.
Learn and play croquet overlooking the beautiful lake.
10:00 am: Line Dancing Class
Led by Instructor, Darlene Epple. Only $20 per person for the whole month! *SIGN-UP on the BULLETIN BOARD* Come Join us! No experience or partner needed!
1:00 pm: Art Classes with Natalie
Mosaic tile making class. Supplies will be provided.
1:00 pm: Artist Presentation with Jerrod
An Artist from Ocean Springs will share his oil paintings and information about painting in Italy!
6:45 pm: Bus departs for Thalia Mara Hall Jackson LIVE! Show
5:00 pm: Dinner Out Group
5:45 pm: Bus departs for the Ordination at the Cathedral of St. Peter
2:00 pm: Choir
Sing for fun, fellowship and be part of the group that performs at holiday programs.
1:00 pm: Movie
A feature film takes place in the Activity Room on the big screen every Tuesday afternoon.
1:00 pm: Hand & Foot Card Games
This game is easy to learn and fun to play! All are welcome!
6:30 pm: BINGO
$1 per card
6:30 pm: Saturday Night at the Races Games
*SIGN-UP on the BULLETIN BOARD* so we can organize some new teams/learn to play this fun game!
10:00 am: Coffee with MMJ
Village Meeting to get news and updates about SCV, meet new residents and ask questions.
10:15 am: Scam Presentation
Presented by SCV Security Staff
2–4:00 pm: Pamper Day with Local Vendors
Shopping, pampering & sparkles galore, these are the things we most adore. Join us for a fun-filled day at the SCV Pamper Day! Refreshments and giveaways.
4:30–6:00 pm: Kentucky Derby Party
Which horse will win? Watch the race on the big screen, bet on a horse and enjoy refreshments with friends.
10:30 am: Village Q & A
Great opportunity for NEW and current residents to learn more about life at SCV, bring questions!
10:30 am: Morrison Heights Senior Adult Choir to perform!
10:30 am: History Club with George Kirkpatrick **Different day this month**
10:30 am: Bible Study
With Sam Tomlinson
1:00 pm: $1 Bridge Tournament
Find a partner you enjoy playing with and *SIGN-UP on the BULLETIN BOARD* for our monthly tournament!
10:30 am: SCV Accounting Audit Presentation
With Scott Kersh
2:30 pm: SCV and Alzheimer’s Mississippi present “Nourish Your Noggin” with Guest Speaker, Dr. Norton
Understand the signs of Alzheimer’s disease and the difference between normal age-related memory loss and warning signs. *SIGN-UP on the BULLETIN BOARD* Space is limited.
10:30 am: Astronomy Presentation
With Joe Burghard. It will be out of this world!
3:00 pm: Dart Games
Play in the monthly Dart Tournament. Very casual, no experience necessary and tons of fun! Give it try and come down to the Cyber Cafe!
Thursday, 31st
10:30 am: Bible Study
With Richard Thomas. “8 Hindrances to Prayer – Valid Biblical Reasons why Your Prayers MAY go unanswered”.
4:00 pm: Chamber Concert
Electric Geriatric performance! Refreshments will be served.
Free Alzheimer’s/Dementia Monthly Caregiver Support Group Join Us On Wednesday, January 15th Topic: Decompressing After…
St. Catherine’s Village kicked off the holiday season with the opening of the Camellia neighborhood…