• Mississippi Independent Living



St. Catherine's Village

Celebrating 35 Years Of Serving Seniors In Mississippi

St. Catherine’s Village is more than a place to live. It’s a place to thrive. Set on 160 of Mississippi’s most beautiful acres, we offer comfort, security, and a full calendar of events and activities. Our program of Continuing Life Care™ means you’ll have complete peace of mind about the future, so you can enjoy the life you want now.

As Mississippi’s first retirement community accredited by CARF-CCAC, you can be sure St. Catherine’s Village will always provide the highest level of care. We have attained the maximum accreditation on each survey to date. This accreditation demonstrates our commitment to continuously improve service quality and to focus on the satisfaction of persons served.


Inspired by the vision of St. Francis of Assisi and the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church, we extend the healing ministry of Jesus Christ to God’s people, especially those most in need.

We call forth all who serve in the healthcare ministry, to share their gifts and talents to create a spirit of healing- reverence and love for all of life, with joyfulness of spirit, and with humility and justice for all those entrusted to our care.

We are, with God’s help, a healing and spiritual presence for each other and for the communities we are privileged to serve.


  • Service- The privilege of reaching out to meet the needs of others.
  • Reverence and Love for All of Life- Acknowledging that all of life is a gift from God.
  • Joyfulness of Spirit- An awareness of being blessed by God in all things.
  • Humility- Being authentic in serving as an instrument of God
  • Justice- Striving for equity and fairness in all relationships with special concern for those most in need.

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about the living options available at St. Catherine’s Village


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and experience all that St. Catherine’s Village has to offer